Baby Bumps
Actually, there is a lot of talk about having children - or not having children. But never in the way that hannsjana and the inclusive Thikwa ensemble are doing it here. Their evening about discrimination against certain bodies manages to be complex, political and entertaining at the same time. [...] Of course it has political backbone - so it talks a lot about the exploitation of female bodies and discrimination against disabled bodies. [...] Touché!
The "gut feeling" [literal translation of the German title "Bauchgefühl"] is a very personal matter. When the evening at Theater Thikwa is over, many questions are left open and that's a good thing.
Who wants to have a baby and should not? And who doesn't want to have babies, but should? In an entertaining birth preparation course, performers of Theater Thikwa and the feminist collective hannsjana negotiate the big political questions that are addressed to their bellies every day. For example, what goes in: beer, cake, or children – and what is allowed to come out. In a humorous stage show, the performers in "Bauchgefühl" take responsibility for themselves and others, develop new forms of reproduction, parenthood and care – or consciously decide against sharing their bodies and attention with anyone.
Wer möchte ein Baby bekommen?
Und soll nicht?
Und wer möchte keine Babys bekommen?
Aber soll?
‚Bauch·gefühl‘ ist ein Geburts·vorbereitungs·kurs.
Das Stück machen 2 Gruppen von Schauspieler*innen zusammen:
Theater Thikwa und hanns·jana.
Es geht um Politik.
Und um große Fragen.
Um Fragen aus unserem Alltag.
Fragen an unsere Bäuche:
Was darf rein in unseren Bauch?
Oder Kuchen?
Und was kommt raus aus unseren Bäuchen?
In ‚Bauch·gefühl‘ übernehmen die Schauspieler*innen Verantwortung.
Für sich selbst.
Und für andere.
Es geht ums Kinder·kriegen.
Ums Eltern·sein.
Ums Kümmern.
Wer entscheidet über den eigenen Körper?
Wer entscheidet sich dafür?
Wer dagegen?
In German spoken language with German and English surtitles.
On November 15 + 24 we show Bauchgefühl with audio description for blind and visually impaired people. Before the showing there will be a tactile tour to feel the set and costumes. The tactile tour begins at 7 p.m. and we will meet in the theater foyer.
If you as a participant of the audiodescription need a pick-up service from the bus or subway, please contact Ms. Stuck in time at 0178 1848070.
Baby Bumps is sponsored by the Heidehof Foundation.
There is a German audio description for the play. You can listen to the introduction to the audio description here: