Bleach: Aurora Hunters
Dance Performance


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Lighting up space with a vibrant glow, a tribe of seven aurora hunters inhabits a bleached out, overexposed universe. Doomed to fade away, they practice a fragile balancing act to reunite with the forces of nature.Shape-shifting, their iridescent bodies will guide the spectators through a charged spectrum of lucid dreaming; a transformative journey, morphing and altering our spacial and physical perception. A mutating emotional landscape of materials texturing the invisible and variating the color of transparency.A dive into the depth of white in search for the rainbow.


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Premiere: 5 December 2018


By and with:
Fabian Bischoff, Felix Brünig, Merete Kaatz, Lia Massetti, Anne-Sophie Mosch, Hilarius Urban, Matan Zamir
Choreography / directed by:
Nicola Mascia, / matanicola
Performance / Choreography / directed by:
Matan Zamir
Stage Design:
Isolde Wittke
Costume Design:
Pablo Alarcón
Lightning Design:
Arnaud Poumarat
Soundtrack Design:
Otto Vik Mathisen
Scene photo of a performance: A young man to the left and other people on the right on a stage.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Bleach: Aurora Hunters