Die Tüten aus der Verwaltung Das Bürokratie-Musical von glanz&krawall und Theater Thikwa
The music theater combo glanz&krawall and Theater Thikwa tackle a topic directly from hell: the German administration. What experiences do people with and without disabilities have in the administrative jungle? And how can we free ourselves from the powerlessness and overwhelm of the system with the help of the lively genre of musical theater? Together with musical composer Sarah Taylor Ellis, Thikwa and glanz&krawall create a bureaucratic fantasy: against the administration, for the administration, as "Tüten," but above all as people whose lives are so much more complex and diverse than can be contained by regulations.
Ismail Arslantürk, Rudina Bejtuli, Sarah Taylor Ellis, Lola Fuchs, Yasmina Hempel, Chrissi Hilkens, Ingo Joers, Jasmin Lutze, Jana Sotzko, Christian Wollert
Concept, artistic direction:
Dennis Depta, Marielle Sterra
Marielle Sterra
Composition, musical direction:
Sarah Taylor Ellis
Dennis Depta
Raissa Kankelfitz
Production management:
ehrliche arbeit
Director's assistant:
Martin Jurk, Felicitas Wolters
Director hospitance:
Nada Zimmermann
Lighting design:
Katri Kuusimäki
Technical department:
Klaus Altenmüller, Holger Duhn, Eric Scheller, Bruno Di Tillo
Peter van Heesen
Greta Markurt