Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn
Musical Morse Code - Bavarian Songs, Berlin Popular Music and Text by Ernst Herbeck.

Scene photo of a performance: Four people stand next to each other on a stage.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn
Scene photo of a performance: One woman is reading a newspaper on a stage.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn
Scene photo of a performance: One woman is reading a newspaper on a stage.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn
Scene photo of a performance: A man in the foreground. In the background is a woman.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn

For many years, the performer Ruth Geiersberger has carried a book around with her and quoted from it during performances: the collected texts of Ernst Herbeck, Im Herbst da reiht der Feenwind. Now she has dedicated an evening to him. Herbeck (1920-1991) spent half of his life in the Gugging Lower Austrian State Mental Hospital. He began writing poetry on the advice of his doctor, Leo Navratil. Together with Torsten Holzapfel, Tim Petersen and Klaus Janek on the double bass, Ruth Geiersberger reads and sings Herbeck poems and folk songs. What results is a musical-poetic tapestry consisting of spoken word, performance, theater, interaction and humor. An evening at the edge of language that gently reveals the tears in the backdrop of the world.

Scene photo of a performance: Four people stand next to each other on a stage.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn
Scene photo of a performance: One woman is reading a newspaper on a stage.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn
Scene photo of a performance: One woman is reading a newspaper on a stage.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn
Scene photo of a performance: A man in the foreground. In the background is a woman.
Copyright: Barbara Westernach – Hindernisse auf der Fahrbahn

Heimweh von Ernst Herbeck:

Ich habe nicht nur Heimweh
sondern sogar mehr
das Heimweh ist eine Qual außerstande
man kann die Auswärtigkeit nicht aushalten
Ich möchte gerne heim

Dauer: 65 Minuten


Torsten Holzapfel, Tim Petersen
Ruth Geiersberger
Ruth Geiersberger
Directed by:
Ruth Geiersberger
Reading Performance:
Ruth Geiersberger
Klaus Janek
Klaus Janek
Nicole Hummel