So why – Suchen nach Siegfried


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Trailer: Stephan Samuel

How does it work with sword and blood, with heroism and murder, with love and betrayal when you are young, blonde and courageous, but also really stupid? Siegfried - a fearless superzero, so-to-speak. But a very sweet one. What is a hero? More than a stunt? Or is it all just Tarzan? The beautiful Siggi is someone that others control through her greed. Profit-oriented, a perfect capitalist. And let’s swap out genteel with “friendly enemy”. We are searching for Siegfried. We are remastering Wagner music with new texts and samples. We are asking whether murder has to be part of the principle of masculinity. And what is it like if you first notice far to late, or not at all, that you’re being used? If you end up being stuck in a black hole that you can never get out of? A piece from a time where you are black-and-white.

Siegfried ist eine Person aus dem Ring der Nibelungen.
Der Ring der Nibelungen ist eine Oper von Richard Wagner.
Eine Oper ist ein musikalisches Theaterstück.
Richard Wagner hat dieses musikalische Theaterstück geschrieben.
In dieser Oper gibt es einen Held.
Wir fragen uns:
Was ist ein Held
Was macht ein Held?!
Warum wird man ein Held?
Wir werden es erfahren in So Why.
So why ist englisch und heißt: Was soll’s.
So why ist der Stücktitel.


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Trailer: Stephan Samuel

The world should give birth to blonde creatures. The hairdressers would be lost without the Nibelungen dwarves. And, if we are going to talk about extensions: in reality, isn’t Siegfried really Rapunzel? After all, there is no lack of challengers, no matter how strong he is.
A lot of smoke and mirrors is what Wagner gives us. We are trying not to cough, continuing to search and giving them hell.

On October 19th the format Language & Art Lovers from Theaterscoutings Berlin takes place right after the performance. Language & Art Lovers is a new exchange and learning format format for people, who are interested in art and want to improve their language skills.

On October 20 th + 22 th we are showing So why – Suchen nach Siegfried with audio description for blind and visually impared people. Before the performance we are offering a tacticle guidance, to get to know the costumes and the stage design. The tacticle guidance starts at 7 pm and we are meeting in the theatre foyer.

If you need help to get from the subway or bus to the theatre please call 030 6146467.

We are offering a workshop for the performance on October 21st + 22nd.

Both the audio description and the workshop is held in German.

Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes


By and with:
Cora Frost, Christian Wollert, Frank Schulz, Konstantin Langenick, Max Edgar Freitag , Hannah Grzimek, Deniz Dogan, Louis Edler, Gerd Hartmann
Ray Schneider, Louis Edler
Directed by:
Gerd Hartmann
Stage Design:
Isolde Wittke
Costume Design:
Heike Braitmayer
Director Assistant / Sound:
Wolfgang Ullrich
Audio Description Creation:
Elena Jansen
Audio Description Editorial:
Evelyn Sallam
Audio Description Voice:
Elena Jansen Jansen
Scene photo of a performance: One man with a bright blue dress on a stage
Copyright: David Baltzer – So why - Suchen nach Siegfried
Scene photo of a performance: Two people on a stage next to each other in costumes.
Copyright: David Baltzer – So why - Suchen nach Siegfried
Scene photo of a performance: Three people on a stage. One in the middle with tilted arms.
Copyright: David Baltzer – So why - Suchen nach Siegfried
Scene photo of a performance: one Person is dancing with arms up on the foreground. One is in the background talking into a microphone.
Copyright: David Baltzer – So why - Suchen nach Siegfried
Scene photo of a performance: One person with a wide open mouth is hitting an object which looks like a stone pole. On the right side you can only see the leather pants of a person.
Copyright: David Baltzer – So why - Suchen nach Siegfried


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